“Not only is it possible that the human body creates EM fields — it is the only way you can possibly exist as a coherent entity! You are an electric field — a giant electric field which holds your atoms together, and which uses other electric fields to talk to other bits of yourself.” — Jack Fraser, University of Oxford via Quora as quoted in Forbes Magazine, Nov 3, 2017
Reiki is a Japanese method for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It works with your body’s natural energy, and the energy around it, to help your body to relax and begin to heal itself.
We are energetic beings! We produce it, we consume it, and we are made of it. The simple fact that our bodies don’t fly apart into trillions of tiny atoms is due to the atomic bond between them. That bond itself creates an energy field. The transfer of information through the nervous system happens through an electrical signal. Our bodies are flowing with energy, enough to produce our own small electromagnetic field (EMF.) That field reacts to other fields outside of it: sunlight, storms, magnets (especially strong ones, like MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machines,) and countless more, including…yes…other people. Our bodies are 70% salt water, which makes us excellent conductors of electricity.
Sadly, our EMF can also be affected by, and exhibit itself through, internal issues: stress, anxiety, injury, diet, and illness among many others.
Reiki can help. Reiki has been shown to alleviate pain; improve injury recovery times; reduce fever; relieve depression, anxiety, and PTSD; improve sleep; lower blood pressure; Improve Anemia and Cortisol levels; and increase energy levels. Reiki is regularly used in hospitals, hospice, and nursing facilities to help alleviate pain and anxiety.
Relaxation is the single most important benefit of Reiki. A trained and experienced Reiki practitioner works within your body’s own EMF to provide and adjust energy so your body can begin to heal itself. For many in the practice, this is done through the laying on of hands at key spots on the body. Touch is NOT required, however, and Aurora Reiki Wellness uses a touchless method which makes many people far more comfortable. Your body knows where the energy needs to go, and it will take it there. After receiving Reiki, many clients immediately feel increased energy, less stress, and greater relaxation. Without rest, our body cannot properly heal.
What Reiki is NOT
Reiki is not a religion or religious practice. People of any religion or personal belief system can both give and receive Reiki. In fact, a majority of religions have some component of laying on of hands as a part of their healing practices.
Reiki is not massage. In practice, and by law in many areas, Reiki practice is separated from massage requiring different training and licensing. Many Reiki practices include laying on of hands in specified areas, but there is never rubbing or manipulation of physical tissues.
Reiki is not just for adults. Reiki is beneficial to people of any age, as well as animals and pets!
Let’s start you on the path to wellness. Contact us to set up an appointment.